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Repair service for LG 50PG20-UA AUSVLJR / 50PG60-UA AUSVLJR / 50PG20C-UA AUSVLHR YDRVTP buffer board causing no image or shutdown

A repair service for failed top LG buffer in 50PG20-UA AUSVLJR, 50PG60-UA AUSVLJR or 50PG20C-UA AUSVLHR plasma TV.

Coppell TV Repair LLC offers a REPAIR SERVICE for the LG YDRVTP buffer board EBR50039001 /05 07 as shown on the picture and used in following LG plasma TV models:


REPAIR SERVICE means that you need to send us your old defective board that we shall attempt to diagnose, service and test to the best of our knowledge prior to charging you and returning it back.

Please note that the above models without the suffix identifying particular batches are also known to contain different panels and different plasma operation boards! Do NOT assume your TV has the listed board just because it is the same model (e.g. "50PG20-UA")!


IMPORTANT NOTE 1: This service comes at a fixed price and includes replacement of up to 2 ICs on the board, where we pretty much break even. If your board has more bad ICs consider buying a replacement.


All packages we receive are placed in a FIFO processing queue.

It takes 2-5 business days for a package to make its way from the back to the front of the queue.

Once picked up for processing, we make money if we manage to fix the board(s) inside for between 30 and 60 minutes.

Of course that isn't always possible, not to mention sometimes there is more than one board in a package.

Add to it that we can't know how many packages we will receive at any given day, how many boards will each contain and how bad the damage on them could be.

Please do not call us a mere few days after you sent your package to inquiry about the status of your service...we just do not have the resources to be giving the same answer to everyone and it only slows us down!

Look at the tracking number, see when it was delivered, give it at least 2-3 business days (preferably four) and if you have not heard anything from us then contact us saying the package was delivered on this and that date and we'll go look for it.

It's in everyone's interest that we work as fast as possible and interrupting technicians (who answer the phones) to make them go search for package in the queue only to tell you it's there doesn't help anyone.


Unless otherwise explicitly stated elsewhere in the listing the boards we sell come with a standard 90 days warranty.

Customer is responsible for return shipping and Coppell TV Repair LLC is responsible for shipping back to customer. Returned boards subject to exchange, service or refund, subject to availability and agreement by Coppell TV Repair LLC and customer.

Returned boards must carry the Coppell TV Repair LLC identification stamp or label and must not have been damaged, modified or otherwise tampered with in order for warranty coverage to remain in force.

Boards returned with request for refund / order cancellation will be subject to restocking fee covering forward shipping cost, transaction cost and $10 fee for the board testing needed prior to slating it for sale again.


The board(s) we receive must be physically intact and must have not been tampered with or serviced before.

The advertised flat rate for repair service is only valid when the above conditions are met.

Exceptions are possible and often applied for minor repair attempts, but we reserve the sole right to judge if and when we would consider a repair minor.

If we receive board(s) that fails the above conditions we will contact the sender and usually offer two options: 1) returning the board(s) for the sole cost of the return shipping; or 2) continuing the repair service at a higher cost in case of success.

It is also possible, depending on the condition of the board, to eliminate the second possibility and just flat our reject having to service the board.

Subject to situation and availability we may also recommend replacement of the board, again at the higher than advertised price for repair.

In all cases you will have the option to receive your own board(s) back for the sole cost of the return shipping.