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LG 47LP645H hotel TV repair service / LED strips replacement

If the TV powers on and stays on, but screen flickers or flashes once and stays dark or just stays dark chances are it needs this repair service.

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Coppell TV Repair LLC offers repair service for a common problem we've seen and resolved multiple times with LG 47LP645H Direct LED TV used for commercial and hospitality / hotel use.

Typical failure symptom is the TV starting with image flickering or flashing a few times and settling on dark or, at the last stage, just starting dark.

If there is source signal and the TV is configured at the right source sound can be heard as in normal operation; the TV responds to remote as it should.

The problem is one or more of the strips behind the LCD panel that has burned and interrupted the current flow; since the LED lights that make up the back light circuit are daisy-chaineed even a single one that burns open is enough to render the whole screen dark.

When servicing the TV we replace all LED strips with new ones; we do not do partial repairs and we recommend against them for the simple reason that LEDs fail due to aging and they pretty much age together, much like 4 tires on a car age together and should be replaced together.

In addition, the effort to take the LCD panel out and replace one or more strips is about the same and costing more than half of the total repair, so there is simply no logic to risk having to do it again (it is a matter of when, not whether) when another used LED fails.

The price shown is for units delivered to us and picked up from us, i.e. for local businesses.

Warranty and claims

LED strip replacement, once successful, is warrantied for 6 months including parts and labor.

Life expectancy for the new strips is about the same as for the original ones - anywhere between 1 and 4 years.

Considering manufacturer's original warranty is only 1 year we consider it abnormal to giving more for a used TV.


Operations that involces LCD panel disassembly are more prone to fatal damages compared to all other TV repair services. Plus, when there are no back lights there is no simple and definite way to ensure that the display is intact when it comes to us.

Coppell TV Repair LLC does NOT guarantee successful outcome of any repair services, but we guarantee that if you do not get back working television you will be changed no service fees or if you were already charged they will be promptly returned to you.