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STK795-518 Sanyo for LJ92-01200A LJ41-02759A sustain

Coppell TV Repair offers you one or more Sanyo STK795-518 or compatible IPM modules.

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Coppell TV Repair offers you one or more Sanyo STK795-518 or compatible IPM modules used in the Samsung sustain boards LJ92-01200A / LJ41-02759A , LJ92-01046A / LJ41-02317A and others.

Our primary business is component level repair of TV modules as the above and we have plenty of listings offering such repair services.

To help our bottom line and answer popular demand by some of our customers who prefer to attempt the DIY approach (with all pros and cons!) we are also offerring some of the components we ourselves use.

We also support a blog with technical information helping customers and other technicians at .

In regards to this module, you may find the following posts of particular interest:



We order those modules in bulk.

They are sold as new to us, however we are not quite sure they are. It is more likely that they are refurbished.

All we can guarantee is that we ourselves use them if not daily then at least every other day. We also do our best to pre-screen them for failed units and yes, occassionally we find some that arrive malfunctional.

Please make sure to test the IC you receive before you put it on a board! We try our best to pre-screen them here and catch some problems, but ultimately you will help yourself and help us if you run a few quick checks before you spend time soldering the IC on the board.

Here is how to test:

Finally, if fixing your YSUS Main LJ92-01200A is something you're about to do for a first time then perhaps you'd be better off ordering our repair service than trying to do it yourself.