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Repair service for FSP194-3F01 power supply board for PROTRON PLTV-3250, SPECTRONIQ PLTV-3250

If your PROTRON PLTV-3250 is either totally dead or tries and fails to start chances are you need its power supply board FSP194-3F01 repaired.

Coppell TV Repair LLC offers a REPAIR SERVICE for power board FSP194-3F01 shown on the picture and used in Proton PLTV-3250 and possibly other LCD TVs.

REPAIR SERVICE means that you have to send in a malfunctioning board which we will diagnose, service, test and return back to you.

Please see the below sections for explanation of our repair process, turnaround time, warranties, ways to check if the board is bad etc.This repair service is not limited to those two popular failures on the board.

 Failure symptoms (how to tell if your board is bad)

 There are several different problems that we've seen with the board and certainly others that we have not seen.

1) (Solid) If your PLTV-3250 TV is totally dead (no power LED indication) and especially if you can't find +5V standby voltage on the first pin of the bottom right connector then the board is likely bad.

The board tends to develop that problem in time and we might have a DIY repair kit for this issue - check at our eBay or company online store or contact us if you want and believe you can do SMD component replacements.

2) (solid) The TV shows signs of life (responds to power on), but either takes a few attempts to start or just refuses to start even though you can see power LED indicator emitting light.

If a visual inspection of the power supply finds a few capacitors with bulged tops then this is likely source of the problem. We might have a repair kit with replacement capacitors as well.

The same symptom can also be caused by other failed components, though, so even if you have bulged capacitors that does not guarantee the problem comes from them; it is likely, but not guaranteed!

This repair service is not limited to the above specifically named failures; we'll test to see the board and attempt to identify and resolve whatever is malfunctioning.

How does it work

You can initiate the service process by clicking on the button to the right of the picture and filling the form.

You will then receive (in browser and also via email) packaging and shipping instructions and package and send the board to the address indicated there (at your own cost and with a carrier of your choice).

Once we receive the board we will test it and if if find it working we'll get back to you, likely issue you full credit and charge you separately a minimal diagnostic fee and return S&H - in any rate less than what a repair would have cost if the board needed one.

If the board is bad we'll attempt to service it and test until it works fine.

If successful we'll just send it back, if not we will get in touch and at worst issue you full refund and request payment for return shipping costs only (no service or parts charges even if we worked and improved the board).

Typical turnaround time is 2 business days. It is not guaranteed, though, as we can't control the volume of boards that arrive on a given day or the damage on the board.


Board requirements

The board we receive must be physically intact and must have not been tampered with or serviced before us.

If either of those is conditions fails we will contact you and ask you for either more money or waiving the warranty on the board, unless the signs of tampering are minimal , subject to our call.

We are not  trying to get more money; we service modules for living, though, and have long learned that the hardest problems to resolve are the unique problems introduced by humans trying to resolve a problem. Those can take weeks to identify and resolve and that is in sharp conflict with the flat fee rate we are offering.



We offer 90 days warranty  on the successfully repaired and returned board unless it was explicitly voided with customer agreement due to condition of the board received.

In case of warranty event customer submits the board back to us at their own cost and are not responsible for parts and labor; we are then responsible for the costs of shipping the board back to the customer.