09-70CAR080-00 / 1P-1151800-1012 power supply board for VIZIO M70-C3 , $60 credit for old dud
Buy an upgraded and tested power supply board 09-70CAR080-00 / 1P-1151800-1012, then send your old dud to receive credit towards your payment (conditions apply).
| Repair kit for Vizio VO47LFHDTV30A power supply 0500-0407-0680 / DPS-280LP totally dead, no +5V standby voltage problem
Coppell TV Repair LLC offers a DIY repair kit for a common problem developing in Vizio power supply 0500-0407-0680/ DPS-280LP resulting in totally dead TV.
Repair service for 0171-2271-2813 main board for 42' Vizio LCD TV
Repair service for main board 0171-2271-2813 used in a number of 42'' LCD televisions by Vizio.
| Repair service for 0171-2372-0079 Vizio T-CON board causing no display, frozen TV and other problems
If your Vizio LED TV uses T-CON board 0171-2372-0079 and it is bad your TV would not start, start to a blank screen (screen glowing due to backlight).