Repair service for Samsung UN75F6400AF main board BN97-07019Q / BN94-06231M / BN41-01958A
If your Samsung UN75F6400AF fails to start or the HDMI ports on it do not work then you may need this repair service
| Repair service for Samsung UN75H6300AFXZA main board BN94-07573B / BN94-07573A / BN41-02157B
If your Samsung UN75H6300AFXZA fails to start or the HDMI ports on it do not work then you may need this repair service
Repair service for Samsung UN75H6350AFXZA main board BN94-08133K / BN94-07410T
If your Samsung UN75H6350AFXZA fails to start or the HDMI ports on it do not work then you may need this repair service
| Repair service for Samsung UN75NU6900FXZA power board BN44-00874C BN44-00874D BN44-00874E
If your Samsung UN75NU6900FXZA has gone totally dead or clicks on and off you may need this service.